This post is part of the Slave Name Roll Project. The individual(s) identified as slaves below were the property of my ancestors. Documenting my findings is one small contribution towards helping others in their own research. Hat tip to Cathy Meder-Dempsey and her post on Frank (the individual I was also researching) and great description and commitment to this project.

Frank LNU (Last Name Unknown) appears as in an 1852 probate record as “1 Negro Boy (Frank)” and appraised at $300, but there is no record of sale. It was this record that inspired my search (not only for Frank, but all slaves of my ancestors). Cathy Meder-Dempsey already has great documentation, and I have nothing to add, so I will merely point to that post (and give credit for her image above) and note that no information beyond 1860 can be confirmed. Continue reading “Frank – Slave of Henry Montgomery”