
Now that the university has selected a vendor for clickers and clicker software, I plan to purchase a number of clickers for our Division. My implementation plan right now will likely be:

  1. Purchase the clickers
  2. Attend a clicker workshop
  3. Provide a demonstration to Student Affairs Large Staff and to DETAG
  4. Talk with some specific units about potential use of clickers (our five units teaching courses, plus units like CSLEPS, Campus Rec, and others who lead workshops and courses)
  5. Make clickers available for checkout to the units
  6. Coordinate a Division-wide purchase next spring after units have had a chance to use this tool
  7. Provide Division-specific training for our internal folks
  8. Coordinate the above with DETAG’s input and participation
  9. Assess this initiative throughout.

ELI07: U of Minnesota Survey Data

I’m sitting in a session being presented by Brad Cohen, Asst Director and Coordinator for Curriculum Development at University of Minnesota.

They’ve done a couple of intensive surveys regarding use of technology by a) students and b) faculty. Looking for the link, can’t find it but will post it later.

Some quick notes for now:
– Students are experienced but not sophicsticated users of technology.
– Students have strongly positive attitudes toward the use of technology in their eductation
– Students favor media rich and efficient uses of technology
– Students’ third most rquested use of funds is to pay for faculty development for tech
– Faculty: number one barrier to using tech is time.