I was interviewed at the ELI 2007 Fall Focus Session, which is an EDUCAUSE initiative. Here is the podcast of that interview, which is a summary of the presentation I made at this event. Materials from my presentation (and all the other presentations as well) are now available. There are a number of other podcasts from this event available as well; look for the ELI07netsavvy tag.

Blog Action Day

Here is an interesting event: Blog Action Day on October 15, 2007. This is an international event. I plan to participate with a post related to technology and the NC State campus environment (probably recycling hardware or something along those lines).

I don’t think blogging has reached a critical mass yet at NC State, but I think that WolfBlog software will evolve (and improve) and more students, staff and faculty will engage in blogging (either as readers or writers or both). As blogging becomes much more mainstream, I’m wondering if we could do something like this on our own campus.