Wisdom – #reverb10

reverb10Today’s Prompt: Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?

I decided in mid-November to re-engage with my colleagues in student affairs at other institutions, via Twitter and this blog. These associations had previously been strong, but had been subsumed by other work priorities. My renewed commitment has already paid off. I feel energized, inspired, and connected once again.

Blogging Redux

I’ve decided that I sometimes have something to say that is more than 140 characters. But where to put that is the question.

One option is my Facebook account, which represents my blended life — personal and professional. I don’t think my best friend from junior high really cares about the latest Pew research on teens and social media!  Likewise, I don’t think my geeky colleagues care that much about my cousin’s children.

So I’m launching this blog as my “home base” for those longer tidbits that I want to document for myself and push out to others. It will also connect with all my other work-related social media accounts. Hat tip to Eric Stoller as one source of inspiration to get back into blogging.

I’m amazed at the time some people must spend on this kind of thing. But in my recent re-commitment to networking with my student affairs peers, I’ve been so gratified by the connections I have made and all the incredible information I’ve been exposed to.

I actually tried my hand at blogging a few years ago when the Libraries on our campus launched a blogging service. At that time my goal was to give it a try and have something to show to others who were asking me about blogging (What is it? Is it hard to do? Do I need one?). It was a short-lived experiment. I’ve imported those posts for fun, which explains why there are posts for a few months in 2007 then nothing again until now.

My goal will be not to stress about posting just for the sake of posting. Content Rules — I’ve learned that much.


About This Blog

This is a place for me (Leslie Dare) to document and share activities, resources, research and ideas related to my work in the Division of Student Affairs at NC State University. I serve as the Director of Distance Education & Technology Services (DETS) for Student Affairs. I’ve been in this position since 2001and with the university since 1989.

This is also my own experiment with blogging. My job is to help units in Student Affairs understand different technologies, how students use them, how they impact students, and how we might use them to deliver student services, developmental programming and academic courses. It helps for me to immerse myself in using the tool so that I can truly explain this to my colleagues and help them sort through the various tools that might serve their needs.